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ATMEL Corporation

Name:ATMEL Corporation

Website: http://www.microchip.com

Brand Introduction
Atmel is a global leader in the design and manufacture of various microcontrollers, capacitive touch solutions, advanced logic, mixed signal, nonvolatile memory, and RF components. With one of the industry's most extensive IP technologies, Atmel offers the electronics industry a comprehensive system solution for industry, consumption, security, communications, computing, and the automotive market. Atmel's stock code, "ATML.O," is listed on the Nasdaq stock market. ATMEL company is the world leader in manufacturing and marketing of advanced semiconductor product design, the product includes a microprocessor, programmable logic device, nonvolatile memory, security chip, mixed signal and RF integrated circuit RF. Through the combination of these core technologies, ATMEL has produced a wide range of general-purpose and application specific system level chips to meet the growing and evolving needs of today's electronic system design engineers.
Product Series
SCM, microcontroller, integrated chip, MEMORY EEPROM, communication chip, analog chip, security and smart card chip, radio frequency (RF) components
Application Areas
Consumer electronic communications / network traffic / automotive security / monitoring industry / Automation
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